A recycled paper box, recycled filler, biodegradable valentine themed ribbons, simple and beautiful. Same as our Eco Friendly Holiday Gift with a Valentine slant.
Mint and Vanilla Gift Box-MintVanilla Soap,-Peppermint Soap, Spearmint Soap, Mint Vanille Lotion, Peppermint Lip Balm, 2 Peppermint Bath Bombs, Nail Brush
Lavender Lovers Gift Box-Lavender & Oats Soap, Lovely Lavender Soap, Lavender Shea Body Butter, SpearMint Lip Balm, 2 Lavender Bath Bombs, Nail Brush
Citrus Sunshine Gift Box-3 Citrusy Best Selling Soaps, Citrus Sunshine Lotion, Orange or Lime Lip Balm, May Chang Bath Bomb, Tropical Blast Bath Bomb, Nail Brush